
Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Labour continue to narrow the gap on the Conservatives with one new poll putting Theresa May's lead down to 6points.
Political campaigning restarted on Friday after being suspended in the wake of the terror attack in Manchester. Prior to the attack Labour had been gaining on the Conservatives, albeit with a healthy deficit still left to overcome.
The gap between the two major parties continues to narrow in our poll tracker, though no new polls have been published since Monday's TV debate.
At the start of the campaign some polls had the Tories at almost double the vote share of the Labour Party, indicating that the most likely outcome would be a landslide victory that would increase Theresa May's current working majority of 17 in the House of Commons.
However, May's lead has dropped from 17.8 points to below 10 in our poll tracker since she called the election on April 18. This is a rolling daily average of the last eight polls.
While the pollsters still give the Tories a clear lead, the the party's dwindling advantage will be a concern to party headquarters, and a boost to their rivals.
Some experts had estimated that the Tories would take as many as 56 seats from Labour, leaving them with a 200-seat lead over the official opposition party, aided by Ukip's apparent collapse in popular support over recent weeks

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