
Saturday, June 24, 2017


Many have been pictured dead in a new and an unending communal clash between Onyoadama community in Obubra Local Government Area (LGA) of Cross River State (CRS) and Nko community in Yakurr LGA of CRS. The dead people who are from Obubra were reported to have been allegedly killed by the people from Yakurr.
For quite a time now, it seems the Obubra people have been marginalised and demoralised according to series of reports posted by Calabar Reporters. Many of which includes conflict between inter-communities, intra-communities, and even inter-state communities. If no action is taken, the LGA may go into extinction.Richard Romanus who’s a contributor at Calabar Reporters stood as the spokespersons for the Obubra people as he lamented over the ill-treatment being given to the LGA despite having more people in Leadership positions across the nation. He also spake on the way out and a possibility of bringing lasting peace to the people for the progress of the State.His words:‎“Is the protection of lives and properties of its citizenry no longer the responsibility of Government? It is, then, It won’t be out of place to conclude that both the Government and all those who were elected to speak and represent the ordinary Obubra man have failed woefully. It is also becoming clearer that some people somewhere are enjoying the wicked and barbaric act been perpetrated against Obubra people hence their disturbing silence.‎“Why is Governor Ben Ayade not showing force by ceasing the disputing land between Onyoadama and Nko, Ababene and Iyamitet if that could bring lasting peace to the these communities? Why is he not ordering for the arrest of all the community leaders from these Communities including those serving in his administration?‎“Why has Senator John Owan not deemed it fit to mandate the National Boundary Commission (NBC) through the Nigeria Senate to immediately see to the correction of the disputing boundary between Ebonyi and Cross River since that is what appears to be the way out of the lingering crises? Why has he not thought it wise to undertake an on the spot assessment/visit to the affected communities no matter how remote they are located to see things for himself?‎“Why has Hon Mike Etaba, Member Representing Obubra/ Etung Federal Constituency not found it expedient to organise a townhall meeting for all Obubra sons and daughters including traditional Rulers and Youths by virtue of his position as the political leader of the LGA towards finding lasting peace in his Constituency? Why has he not sought the intervention of the National Assembly in the ongoing feud between communities in Ebonyi and Obubra Communities in Cross River State?Beyond visiting the warring communities in his federal constituency, which is commendable, what empowerment or sensitisation programme has he floated towards disabusing the minds of the people especially the youths against war?“Why has the State House of Assembly Members representing Obubra 1 and 2 remained silent when their voices ought to be the loudest in the Cross River State House of Assembly considering the pitiable and Helpless situation we find ourselves as an LGA? Will it be out of place if they cause the Speaker of the Assembly to put together a fact finding special committee that will as a matter of urgency ascertain the immediate and remote causes of the lingering communal clashes and how it can be forestall?“It is sad that, the ordinary Obubra man has been abandoned, rejected and despised by the very people that ought to protect, shield, speak, care and provide for them.“It is sad that the life of an ‘Ordinary Obubra Man’ is no longer considered sacred hence can be hacked to dead at will by some blood thirsty demons. It is sad that, the ‘Ordinary Obubra Man’ now looks only to God for the protection of his life and that of his family.I pray that the cry and blood of our brothers and Sisters who have loss their lives in ‎Idoru, Ijitum, Ofonekom, Isobo biko biko, Ababene, Iyamitet etc, touch the Government and the hearts of all those we have elected to lead and represent us towards bringing peace to our beloved Local Government. A New Obubra Is Possible.” Richard Romanus‎ lamented.

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